Game Alexander the Great online. Play for free

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Greece in the distant past, the country consisting of the individual states. Among them, one stands out for its strong desire to capture and subjugate others. This Macedonia.

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Alexander the Great to play online

Alexander the Great play online Game Description Alexander the Great online. How to play the game online Greece in the distant past, the country consisting of the individual states. Among them, one stands out for its strong desire to capture and subjugate others. This Macedonia. It is headed by the brave soldiers standing Alexander the Great. His goal - not only the land of Greece, but the entire world. He wants to reach its borders and drop their hands in the water of the Great Ocean.
You have the opportunity to repeat the feats of the great battle and military commanders. This strategy game allows you to become the head of the troops, and mission after mission to conquer the surrounding land. As a great warrior, Alexander the Great, the player can not only win, but also to build new cities, plant gardens and livestock, recruit and modify their victorious army, to improve the situation of the people in the conquered lands, oversees the city's prosperity and the income from them, which is necessary for further wars.
Great strategy game online "Alexander the Great" will help boys understand the strategy and tactics of fighting, expand their knowledge in the history of the troops and weapons. Give the opportunity to feel ruler of a vast empire, which stretched its boundaries far to the east and west.
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