Game Map of USA online. Play for free

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The names of many states in the U.S. are familiar from cartoons, movies and TV shows. But their location on the map only know some.

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Map of USA to play online

Map of USA play online Game Description Map of USA online. How to play the game online The names of many states in the U.S. are familiar from cartoons, movies and TV shows. But their location on the map only know some. Logical game "Map of the USA" will help you test your knowledge in the field of geography.
The game is a blank field, which is necessary to fill the states. Those, in turn, appear in random order. For each correctly specified location you removed the time. Therefore, states must be properly positioned. Yes, and the card will be a good clue U.S.. One has only to look at the outline of each state. And then find its contours. In this game, you can compete with yourself, making your time better result or ask someone else to have fun competitions. And the knowledge gained by completing the maps, useful for schoolwork.
"Map of the United States" - the continuation of a series of geographical games created for the children of the world and cognition states. It helps to develop a child's perseverance, attentiveness, develops visual memory and logical thinking. And for an adult game is a good test for depth of knowledge in the field of geography.
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