Game The flu epidemic online. Play for free

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Every year during the winter on TV start talking about the fact that the flu epidemic began. All sound advice on how to avoid the disease, and what measures must be taken for this.

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The flu epidemic to play online

The flu epidemic play online Game Description The flu epidemic online. How to play the game online Every year during the winter on TV start talking about the fact that the flu epidemic began. All sound advice on how to avoid the disease, and what measures must be taken for this. Many use grandmother's recipe, and many prefer to vaccination. After all, if a shot, this dreadful disease will pass you.
That game developers decided to give it a try as it will work in the hospital when all around there is a flu epidemic and a huge number of patients. The game itself consists of 4 levels. Here is the center for the diagnosis of patients with medication pharmacy, hospital and room for tea. You - the nurse. To you people come to the reception. Above them are icons that show you what to do with the patient and what procedures it needs. Direct it as needed on one of the levels. And then look carefully, so that the patient received the necessary treatment for him or procedure. But you can not detain people for a long time, because they are offended and leave. 10 lost patients leads to the end of the game.
Developers have worked wonderfully, and girls of all ages to enjoy the passing game "flu epidemic."
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