Game Hard box online. Play for free

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"Hard box" - it's a great simulator boxing fights in the game able to lure even those who do not like boxing, etc. k considers this the most brutal sport. And it will be difficult to break away.

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Hard box to play online

Hard box play online Game Description Hard box online. How to play the game online "Hard box" - it's a great simulator boxing fights in the game able to lure even those who do not like boxing, etc. k considers this the most brutal sport. And it will be difficult to break away. After every victory you win boosts go on to find out where the limit of your possibilities.
At the beginning of the game you have the opportunity not just to choose a hero, and independently create its appearance to your liking. You can pick up everything from color to shoes.
In your arsenal contains all the techniques needed for the fight, hitting the right and left, as well as block. Control from the keyboard. More detailed instructions will get you directly before the fight.
Rules of the Game "Hard box" fully meet the competition rules of boxing. If you will overcome your opponent, you will be waiting for the next fight. And so, until you defeat all and do not get the title. Between battles, you can upgrade to make your fighter.
Join the fight and prove to yourself that you are worthy to wear the championship belt game "Hard boxing." But on the way to victory to remain vigilant, because luck can go to the opponent.
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