Game Street Fighter 2 online. Play for free

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Exit the game "Street Fighter 2" was timed to coincide with the next anniversary of the game. Indeed, at first it was a toy for game consoles, and only then released a computer version.

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Street Fighter 2 to play online

Street Fighter 2 play online Game Description Street Fighter 2 online. How to play the game online Exit the game "Street Fighter 2" was timed to coincide with the next anniversary of the game. Indeed, at first it was a toy for game consoles, and only then released a computer version.
Thus, this game can cause a lot of nostalgic memories of those whose childhood had at the beginning of the 90s. But she will not leave indifferent and the youth of today who loves playing with all kinds of fights.
Fights "Street Fighter 2", occur in the open, honest and call them very difficult. After this fight without rules. Here all the tricks are good. Their way in your arsenal enough. You can make jumps, uppercuts and more. Prohibited strikes here. Home Your goal - to defeat the enemy.
Choose your fighter and start the game. After every third game you can earn bonuses by playing the game, in which you will need to break different things. The more they have, the more you earn. If you will overcome all the enemies at the end be able to fight with a Mafia boss - Bison. Most importantly, remember that the "Street Fighter 2" - this is a game and do not use their skills into practice. Better to vent aggression in the game than doing it in life.
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