Game The detachment online. Play for free

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Now find and neutralize the enemy can not only alone, but also the detachment, whose commander is you yourself.

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The detachment to play online

The detachment play online Game Description The detachment online. How to play the game online Now find and neutralize the enemy can not only alone, but also the detachment, whose commander is you yourself. However, not much be placed on the team, most of the combat mission will rest on your shoulders.
One of the goals of the anti-terrorist groups - to find and deal with the enemies that threaten security. The fights will take place in the zone of broken camps where criminals lurk. Often, such armed bases selected quiet desolate place, hidden from human eyes. In the game "The detachment" must perform regular combat mission, to find some of the camps are there and neutralize the perpetrators.
This shooting game is like most toys of this type. Therefore, to cope with this task will be easy boys enthusiasts such occupations. Especially if you go on a mission in the detachment, albeit small, but decent. Therefore, the new combat mission in a way calling, whose main task is to reveal the devastation of the nest and criminals, in time to stop their attempts to harm the order.
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