Game Tire online. Play for free

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"Such beautiful tires yet, probably no one has ever seen. "Tire" offers to play a game that gives bonuses chute and super-reserve.

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Tire to play online

Tire play online Game Description Tire online. How to play the game online "Such beautiful tires yet, probably no one has ever seen. "Tire" offers to play a game that gives bonuses chute and super-reserve. Tires are so beautiful, that are more like holiday cookies, colorful and decorated differently. But no, "Tire" - a serious game. Here for each match in a row and three more tires are awarded points. The larger tires will coincide with each other, the better.
"Tire" - a game with a twist. At first glance it may seem that the priority should be folding tires in line 4 of the same color. But such a statement would not be entirely correct. It is interesting to add up the ranks. Tires counted matched vertically or horizontally. When the remaining tires move on the playing field due to the fact that the same match and disappear, you may have a profitable situation. 3 tires may coincide, for example, but vertically arranged. Then reaching top bus will fill vacated space. And it may happen that the game will be more bus 3 or 4-mi-mi for existing rows. Then Streak will work several winning combinations. Player is profitable.
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